A very wise old man had once explained to me
The secrets of harmony, living, loving, giving free
His voice held no apprehension yet was gentle as the wind
And to look into his eyes was to recognize a friend

"From the cradle of your memory - tis there where you find truth
Which is often times abandoned as you sign away your youth
Although beautiful and simple - it conflicts with what you're told
To feed your brother when he's hungry - hold your sister when she's cold
If you treat your home like heaven, surely heaven it will be
This is all you must remember to live your life like me"

Through a hug came understanding from a 5 year old last night
And as I held him in my arms I knew at once that he was right
A very wise old man had once explained to me
A very wise old man had once explained to me

Copyright © 1987 by Karl Konrad Werne

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